Neo4j Installation
This blog contains codes and snippets related to Neo4j, Cypher and apoc library. Copy the codes from here to run in Neo4j.
link to lab | Video Link | Apoc video link |
Neo4j version : 4.7.7
Java11 location: C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jre-\bin
Java19 location : C:\Program Files\jdk-19.0.2\bin
Neo4j browser: http://localhost:7474/browser/
Neo4j password : admin, P@$$w0rd, neo4j_admin
Neo4j commands:
bin\neo4j console
bin\neo4j-admin dump --to=import\NER.dump --database=neo4j
bin\neo4j-admin load --from=import\NER.dump --database=neo4j
bin\neo4j install-service
bin\neo4j stop
bin\neo4j start
bin\neo4j restart
- windows installation instruction (documentation page)
- Add Neo4j plugins:
A. Neosemantics - download jar file from here and add to plugins directory (README). Then restart the neo4j.
B. APOC - copy apoc jar file from labs folder to plugin folder. Add following line in the neo4j.conf file :,apoc.
Configure the loading of csv files: Find the neo4j.conf file for your Neo4j installation.
Comment this line(By adding # in the start): dbms.directories.import=import
Uncomment this line to allow CSV import from file URL: Restart Neo4j
apoc.conf file:
apoc.import.file.enabled=true apoc.export.file.enabled=true apoc.import.file.use_neo4j_config=false apoc.export.file.use_neo4j_config=false
Neo4j conf file:,apoc.,gds.* dbms.connector.bolt.listen_address=:7688 dbms.connector.http.listen_address=:7475
Using py2neo and useful commands
from py2neo import Graph graph = Graph(“bolt://localhost:7687”, auth=(“neo4j”, “bharat123”))“MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n”) # delete the database“CALL apoc.schema.assert({},{},true) YIELD label, key RETURN *”) # delete the indexes and constraints“CALL n10s.graphconfig.init({handleVocabUris: ‘MAP’})”) # initiate the graph config“CREATE CONSTRAINT n10s_unique_uri ON (r:Resource) ASSERT r.uri IS UNIQUE;”) # create a contraint“CALL n10s.rdf.import.fetch(‘file:///C:/Users/if441f/2022_Projects/DSRM/Pre-generated ontologies/amm_22.owl’, ‘RDF/XML’)”) # load ontology“MATCH (n)<-[r]-(n1) RETURN n,r,n1 LIMIT 10”).data() ## load data“CALL db.schema.visualization()”).data()“call db.relationshipTypes() “)“call db.labels()”)“MATCH p=shortestPath((n:Part)-[..3]->(n1:PartLocation)) WHERE n.basepartname=“structure” // n.basepartname =~ “.structure.” // AND n1.basepartname=~ “.” // AND type(r)=“Contains” RETURN p”)
Cypher language (
match (n) return n
match (n:Part) return n
match (n1:Part {section:41}) - [: Has] -> (n:Notes) return n.text
## Where Clause
match (n:Part) where n.section = 41 and = 416 return n
## Count
match (n:Part)-[r]-(x) return type (r), count(n)
## Order by
match (n1:Part {section:41}) - [: Has] -> (n:Notes) return n1,count(n1) order by n1.section, n1.chapter
# Load CSV
WITH line WHERE line.Season='Winter'
WITH distinct line.Team as Team, line.Event as Event, line.Year as Year,line.City as City
MATCH (t:Team {name:Team + ' ' + Event + ' ' + Year})
MATCH (g:Games {name:City + ' ' + Year})
## Create constraint
OWL Ontology
Ontologies are used to capture knowledge about some domain of interest. An ontology describes the concepts in the domain and also the relationships that hold between those concept. OWL is a ontology language which makes it possible to describe concepts in an unambiguous manner based on set theory and logic.
An OWL ontology consists of Classes, Properties, and Individuals.
- Individuals represent objects in the domain of interest.
- Properties are binary relations between individuals.
- OWL classes are sets that contain individuals.
Documentation -
Video link -
online webVOWL -
#convert to json
!java -jar owl2vowl_0.3.7/owl2vowl.jar -file "amm.owl" -output "amm_22.json"
#run WebVOWL and load json
!cd WebVOWL-1.1.6 && serve deploy/
#VOWL is serving at - http://localhost:3000
from owlready2 import *
onto = get_ontology("file://C:/Users/if441f/2022_Projects/DSRM/Pre-generated ontologies/amm_22.owl").load()
Protege interface
The Protégé user interface is divided up into a set of major tabs. These tabs can be seen in the Window>Tabs option.
There are many views that are not in the default version of Protégé that can be added via the Window>Views option. The additional views are divided into various categories such as Window>Views>Individual views.
- use OntoGraf for visualization
- use indivisual by class tab and indivisual by type view to visualized all indivisuals
Using a Reasoner (pallet) You may notice that one or more of your classes is highlighted in red as in Figure 4.5. This is because we haven’t run the reasoner yet so Protégé has not been able to verify that ournew classes have no inconsistencies.
Disjoint Classes no individual can be an instance of more than one of those classes. In set theory terminology the intersection of these three classes is the empty set: owl:Nothing.
OWL Properties OWL Properties represent relationships. There are three types of properties, Object properties, Data properties and Annotation properties.
- Object properties are relationships between two individuals.
- Data properties are relations between an individual and a datatype such as xsd:string or xsd:dateTime.
- Annotation properties also usually have datatypes as values although they can have object.
Inverse Properties
Each object property may have a corresponding inverse property. If some property links individual a to individual b then its inverse property will link individual b to individual a.
OWL Object Property Characteristics
- Functional Properties - If a property is functional, for a given individual, there can be at most one individual that is related to the individual via the property
- Inverse Functional Properties - If a property is inverse functional then it means that the inverse property is functional.
- Transitive Properties - If a property P is transitive, and P relates individual a toindividual b, and also individual b to individual c, then we can infer that individual a is related to individual c via property P
- Symmetric and Asymmetric Properties - If a property P is symmetric, and the property relates individual a to individual b then individual b is also related to individual a via property P.
- Reflexive and Irreflexive Properties - A reflexive property is a property that always relates an individual to itself. If a property P is reflexive then for all individuals a P will always relate a to a.
Property restrictions
We will initially use quantifier restrictions. Quantifier restrictions can be further categorized as existential restrictions and universal restrictions6.
- Existential restrictions describe classes of individuals that participate in at least one relation along a specified property. For example, the class of individuals who have at least one (or some) hasTopping relation to instances of VegetableTopping. In OWL the keyword some is used to denote existential restrictions.
- Universal restrictions describe classes of individuals that for a given property only have relations along a property to individuals that are members of a specific class. For example, the class of individuals that only have hasTopping relations to instances of the class VegetableTopping. In OWL they keyword only is used for universal restrictions.
Primitive and Defined Classes (Necessary and Sufficient Axioms)
Necessary axioms can be read as, If something is a member of this class then it is necessary to fulfil these conditions. With necessary axioms alone (primitive class), we cannot say that: If something fulfils these conditions then it must be a member of this class.