Git remove large files and amend.
Git remove large files and amend
#first copy the data from somewhere
git filter-branch --force --index-filter "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch dist/*" HEAD~10..HEAD
git push origin --force --all
git rm -r --cached . # if gitignore not working
git submodule add --branch <branch_name> <repository_url> <path_in_your_repo>
git submodule status
# Amend to last commit
git add .
git commit --amend --no-edit
git push origin --force --all
## only checkout specific folder file
git checkout -b releases1
git rm -r --cached .
git checkout main .gitignore dist
git add .gitignore dist
git commit -m "Added new branch"
git push origin releases1
## git stash and drop
git branch -D releases1
git push origin --delete releases1
git tag
git tag -d v0.1.0
git push origin --delete v0.1.0
git tag v0.1.0
git push origin --tags
Other Github Commands
#!pip install -q seedir
import os
import seedir as sd
sd.seedir('.',style='emoji',exclude_folders=[f for f in os.listdir('.') if f[0] in ['.','_','~']],depthlimit=1)
# Check the details of local git repository
print('\033[1m' +"Git Remote Location --->" +'\033[0m')
#!git remote -v # don't print if pushing to same git location (token issue)
print('\033[1m' +"Status --->" +'\033[0m')
!git status
print('\033[1m' +"Branches --->" +'\033[0m')
!git branch
print('\033[1m' +"Git Log --->" +'\033[0m')
!git log -n 5 --oneline
print('\033[1m' +"Gitignore file --->" +'\033[0m')
!cat .gitignore
print('\033[1m' +"Git lfs tracked files --->" +'\033[0m')
!git lfs ls-files
# Create .gitignore and lfs tracking
%%writefile .gitignore
!git rm -r --cached . # if gitignore not working
!sudo apt-get install git-lfs
!git lfs track input/*
!git lfs track output/*
!git add -f .gitattributes
# Check the Git difference if untracked files
!git diff commit1 commit2 file
!git diff branch1..branch2
!git diff HEAD ./Github.ipynb
# Create and merge new branch
!git checkout -b text_classification
!git checkout master
!git merge newbranch
## Initialize Git and add details
# get tokens from here
!git init
!git config --global ""
!git config --global "Bharat"
git_token='paste token from above link' # make sure Github.ipynb is in .gitignore
github = ''
!git remote set-url https://{git_token}@{github}/{username}/{repository}
br="\""+ input("Name of the branch to push: ")+"\""
!git add .
!git commit -m "First Commit"
!git push origin $br
## Clone
!git clone https://{git_token}@{github}/{username}/{repository}
%cd {repository}
!git checkout branch name
## Pull
!git stash
br="\""+ input("Name of the branch to pull: ")+"\""
!git pull origin $br
## Push
message="\""+ input("Type the commit message: ")+"\""
br="\""+ input("Name of the branch to push: ")+"\""
!git add .
!git commit -m $message
!git push origin $br
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Last modified December 7, 2024: Update (59b8067)